Cabin Life
Camp Marist continues the tradition of housing a large, diverse group of campers together to form the ultimate bonds through cabin life.
The Camp Marist property is home to nine camper cabins that each have their own unique personality and landscape. Despite their differences, all cabins have electricity and are fully equipped with indoor bathrooms including toilets, sinks and hot showers.
Campers will arrive to find their bunk bed made with sheets, a blanket and pillow and a set of storage shelves for their personal items. However, we do recommend campers bring a sleeping bag for those chilly New Hampshire nights. See our handy packing list.
An assortment of games, puzzles, ping-pong and pool tables can be found in each cabin as well as a seating area full of couches – the perfect spot for chatting and relaxing.
Staffing & Structure
One of our nine highly esteemed Prefects live in each camper cabin along with an Assistant Prefect, and two additional counselors. Cabin life is all about fostering a sense of community, and through our Champagnat Program the live-in staff provide campers with ample support and opportunities to connect and unwind from their busy day. Campers’ daily activity schedule is deliberately mixed by age and gender, however each cabin joins as a family for meals, as well as during our morning and evening gatherings.
Out of respect for their community, all campers are expected to keep their area tidy. Most prefects perform a routine cabin inspection each morning and look for beds to be made, the floor near their bunk to be swept and the items and clothing on their shelves to be organized. The cabin staff is responsible for cleaning the bathroom and larger common areas.
Cabin Placement Process
Cabins are divided by gender and then relative age. There are five buildings that house our male campers and four for our female campers. During the administration’s thoughtful placement process a camper’s age, experience with overnight camp and preferences are all taken into consideration. While not all requests can be honored, our goal is for each camper to be surrounded by a group of staff and campers who will best help them thrive and grow. Cabin assignments are handed out on arrival day.
The Cabins
The Lodge & La Petite Villa
Wolfpack/Youngest Boys & Girls
Approximate Ages: 6 – 9
Our youngest boys live in The Lodge and the youngest girls live in La Petite Villa, two small bungalow-style cabins with a maximum of 14 campers and 4 live-in staff each. Both cabins have a toy and game room upstairs for rainy days, and a fully-equipped playground directly outside. By design, our two youngest camper cabins are directly next door to each other so that our Wolfpack can begin to form lifelong friendships in an age-appropriate setting. Both the Lodge and La Petite are centrally located and in a comfortable walking distance to the dining hall, canteen, waterfront and many popular activity sites. It is the perfect spot for our newest campers to become familiar with all that camp has to offer.
Boys’ Cabin
Approximate Ages: 9 – 11
Pineview is on of our newest cabins, and it is the first opportunity for boys to live with a larger group. With an average of 30 campers and 4 live-in staff, there is plenty of opportunity to make a lot of friends. The screened porch serves as a game room and has been home to some fierce bumper-pool and ping-pong tournaments. The boys of Pineview love being the only group to walk over a wooden bridge and through a winding wooded path to get to their tucked-away cabin. They are the closest cabin to the Bad Moose Clan site and can easily visit the stables if they choose to take Horseback Riding as an activity.
Sunset Lodge
Girls’ Cabin
Approximate Ages: 9 – 12
Sunset Lodge was named after a group of generous Camp Marist Alumni from Canada. Sunset is the most centrally located cabin and the first opportunity for girls to live with a larger group. With an average of 30 campers and 4 live-in staff, there is plenty of opportunity to make a lot of friends. There is screened porch which serves as a game room, complete with bumper pool and ping pong tables, and has seen many dance parties. The girls of Sunset love being very close to the waterfront, dining hall and the Arts & Crafts Building.
Boys’ Cabin
Approximate Ages: 11 – 12
It was no mistake that this cabin is named Lakeview. This cabin’s screened porch has the best (indoor) view at camp. With an average of 30 campers and 4 live-in staff, boys can enjoy a rowdy game of pool, and take in the breathtaking mountain breeze, all while being within feet of the dining hall, the waterfront and The Mound.
Scots’ Lodge
Girls’ Cabin
Approximate Ages: 12 – 14
Scots’ Lodge was named by a group of generous Camp Marist Alumni who hail from Scotland. The girls of Scots’ Lodge get to live in some of our newer construction. With an average of 30 campers and 4 live-in staff, their community nickname is “Party Lights” partly because of the colorful porch illuminations, but also because of the girls’ nighttime karaoke tradition. Their melodious voices can be heard all over camp as they sing along to each summer’s greatest hits, as well as some classic camp songs. They are located right next to the basketball court and conveniently close to The Mound and the waterfront.
Boys’ Cabin
Approximate Ages: 13 – 15
Brookside earned its name by being the cabin that was built closest to the natural stream of fresh water that runs through the Camp Marist property. With an average of 30 campers and 4 live-in staff, the “Boys of the Brook” are fond of cooling off their feet and building stone paths and dams in the shallow water. The cabin is in close proximity to the stables, go karts, ropes course and pavilion. The campers can often be found taking full advantage of the nearby indoor basketball court at night and on rainy days.
Sailor’s Cottage
Oldest Girls’ Cabin
Approximate Ages: 14 – 16
Sailor’s Cottage was named by the generous family of Marist Brother Henry Sawicki, who was the esteemed leader of our sailing program for many years. In 2020 the cabin underwent an additional renovation in memory of Brother Michael Mullin through the generosity of his family. Sailor’s Girls are the oldest group, and they pride themselves on leading by example and fostering “big sister” relationships with the younger campers. With an average of 30 campers and 4 live-in staff, the cabin is nestled up on a small hill, amongst a lofty set of pine trees that provide ample shade from the summer sun. The Bear Clan site is located directly outside their screen porch, and the campers often help our Girl CITs create a festive spirit around our weekly campfires.
Oldest Boys’ Cabin
Approximate Ages: 14 – 16
Camp Marist legend states that Pogoville was named after a pet monkey “Pogo” who belonged to a Marist Brother who lived in the cabin years ago. These days, there are no pets in the cabin, but a purple stuffed monkey has been known to adorn the prefect’s golf cart. With an average of 30 campers and 4 live-in staff, the boys of Pogoville are focused on developing their leadership skills and fostering camp spirit. Each session they invite the youngest boys of The Lodge to join them in a campfire and bridge the age gap between cabins. Pogoville is one of the first buildings that visitors see as they enter Camp Marist, it is close to the archery range, ropes course and pavilion. Most importantly, the cabin is home to an infamous card table, known to have hosted many a game of “99.”