(Younger Campers)
The Wolf Pack is our youngest camper group of 6-7-year olds. This program provides an atmosphere of increased support and guidance during and between activities, and creates a foundation of friendships to last through summers to come. Wolf Pack campers follow a group schedule that highlights many of camp’s most popular activities, full of age-appropriate instruction and games, with the aim of introducing and developing essential skills. These campers are introduced to our alternating two-day schedule with regular programming in tennis, arts & crafts, basketball, performing arts, fishing, nature, and swim lessons. The final activity period each afternoon allows a chance for the group to explore other exciting activities from across camp, sampling from go-karts, low-ropes, yoga, ultimate frisbee, air rifles, soccer, badminton, and more. Like every other camper, they wrap up the afternoon at the waterfront for the all-camp general swim.
With dedicated group leaders, supervised access to cabins in-between activities, built-in mid-morning snack time, and intentional programming that meets their unique needs, the Wolf Pack is the perfect way for this age group to experience camp!